Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of July? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. AdWords call bid adjustments announced, remarketing to YouTube viewers, Bing Ads campaign planner to be replaced with Keyword Planner, LinkedIn Website Demographics released to understand your audience and more news covered in this month’s recap of Top PPC News.



1. Ramp up your calls with call bid adjustments

An extension to bid adjustments was made the last week, with the release of call bid adjustments that lets advertisers control when they wish to show the call option with their search ad.



2. Campaign Planner to sunset July 26, try our Keyword Planner

Bing Ads has announced that Campaign Planner will no longer be available from July 26th and the launch of new Keyword Planner to help advertisers with deeper keyword insights.

bing ads keyword planner


3. Introducing LinkedIn Website Demographics: Understand the Professional Audiences Visiting Your Website

With the new Website Demographics, you can understand your audience better as it gives insight into what professional background they are coming from.


4. Introducing AdSense Native ads

AdSense native ads was released the last week, to help publishers optimize user experience for their visitors. It is easy to use and available in compatible sizes.


5. New Analytics Features to Help You Understand and Improve Your LinkedIn Campaigns

LinkedIn announced new features that lets advertisers translate how their campaigns are performing and gain insights to optimize their performance.

expanded demogrpahic targeting linkedin


6. 29 AdWords Quality Score Factors – Facts, Myths, and Quick Fixes

Johnathan Dane discusses the myths surrounding AdWords quality score and dives into the facts (confirmed by fellow PPCers) that might make advertisers lives simpler.


7. This script automates adding any AdWords data to a Google spreadsheet

To simplify AdWords reporting for advertises, Frederick Vallaeys shares a useful script that will help pull out your AdWords data to a spreadsheet.


8. Remarket to your YouTube video viewers on

Google recently announced that advertisers can now use YouTube views and channel interactions to create remarketing lists for their search campaigns. Here is more about this.

video remarketing list


9. Merkle Q2 2017 Digital Marketing Report Released

Merkle released its Q2 Digital Marketing Report for this year. If you want to view the highlights click here or download the report to get all insights.


10. The biggest trends & changes in PPC so far in 2017

Ginny Marvin recaps some of the changes, announcements and ppc trends that the year 2017 has witnessed from the start.


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