Amazon ads’ keyword targeted ads reaches users searching for search terms similar to the keyword and that matches it basis the keyword match type opted by you.
In Amazon ads, keyword match types apply for keyword targeted ads such as Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products. Keyword targeted ads matches the search terms with the keywords used in the campaign and shows ads if it meets the criteria.
The keyword match types that are available with Amazon Ads are broad, phrase and exact match type. Lets take each of these match type individually and understand how they behave. But before that make a note that these match types support plural variations of the keyword in the search terms, however, misspellings, stemmed words, abbreviations are currently not allowed. So if in case you want to show for the variations as well, then they need to added as separate keywords.
Broad Match Type
The broad match type keyword is matched to a user’s search term if all the keywords are present in it. It is least restrictive of all the match types, as it matches with a wider range of search terms and reaches out to a more larger audience comparatively. For instance the keyword running shoes will match with search terms such as shoes for running, buy running shoes, running shoe etc., but it will not match with terms such as sports shoes, Reebok shoes, walking shoes etc.
Phrase Match Type
The phrase match type keyword is matched to a user’s search term if the keywords are present in the same order. For instance, the keyword running shoes will match with search terms such as running shoes in red, Adidas running shoes, discount on running shoes etc., but not for search terms such as shoes for running, shoes for men etc.
Exact Match Type
The exact match type keyword is matched to user’s search terms if it is an exact match of the keyword. It is the most restrictive form of the match type as it matches with only select search terms. For instance, the keyword running shoes will match with search terms such as running shoes and running shoe only but it will not match for any other search term such as running shoes for men, shoes for running, blue running shoes etc.
Let’s sum up what we have understood about the match types with this example

Note: Karooya’s negative keywords tool for Amazon Ads is a powerful tool that saves your ad budget and time. It is Free for accounts with a monthly spend of less than $3000. Learn more and sign up today to improve your ACoS.
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