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A well-designed landing page can turn visitors into reliable customers. While using the PPC channel to bring your eventual customers to the business site, it becomes more important to check the quality score of your landing page and take measures to improve it.

What Is Landing Page & How Does It Work?

A landing page is mainly designed to capture visitors so they can be converted into leads. Unlike other web pages, the landing page has one goal, which is to guide visitors to a suitable “Call to action”. Visitors see a call to action and end up on a landing page and it eventually increases the visibility and conversions.

This article will see how we can check the quality score of a landing page on the Google ads platform. and what steps we can take to improve it?

Quick Way To Check The Quality Score Of A Landing Page

A poor landing page can affect the visibility of your campaign. Therefore, your landing page has to be optimized for an amazing user experience. A landing page is a component of a quality score. Therefore, your ad copy, keywords, and landing page should be relevant to each other.

Steps To Check The Quality Score Of A Landing Page

  1. Login to your Google Ads account
  2. Select Keywords from the left panel
  3. Click on Columns>> Modify Columns
  4. Click on Quality Score and add any of the following to your table. When you select the boxes, you can know the current and past quality score stats and the status of its components:
Landing Page Quality Score

Firstly, we need to remember that users should get the relevant information on the landing page once they click on the ad. It will help you to get good clicks and as a result, will keep your quality score in good shape.

What Factors Affect Landing Page Quality Score

The quality of your landing page helps you to achieve the desired visibility and improves your CTR. Here are few factors that can influence the quality score of your landing page and they are:

  • Ease Of Reading
  • Relevance
  • Transparency
  • Navigation
  • A Clear Call To Action

How To Improve Your Landing Page Quality Score

If Google shows that your landing page experience is below average then you should get alarmed. Here we discuss points to improve landing page quality score:

1) Review Your Landing Page Experience: A good landing page experience helps convert a visitor into a valuable customer. It should not mislead the customer rather, it should establish trust.

Google ads platform gives you an idea of how your keywords are performing. Here is a snapshot of how the data will be displayed:

Landing page experience for quality score

Below steps can be taken to improve your landing page experience if it is Average or Below Average:

  • Increase your page’s loading time and speed
  • Include your targeted keywords wisely to let customers know that they have come to the right place
  • Optimize your landing page for mobile devices
  • Optimize your landing page settings by including at least one headline. Try to mention your targeted keywords in the headline

Apart from these points, you can follow some more practices to enhance the experience and boost conversions.

2) Evaluate And Improve The Relevancy: Once you know which keyword is not fairing well in the landing page experience, you might want to do two things:

  • Firstly, you might want to evaluate the relevancy of that keyword to the business and ad messaging.
  • Secondly, you want to make sure that your page’s headline matches the ad’s headline and the content is contextually relevant to your ad.

By doing this, you will gain customer’s confidence in your brand and increases the likelihood of conversions.

3) Improve Readability: A good landing page has to be readable and user-friendly to achieve a good quality score. Usually, in PPC, we try to write content to achieve the desired search engine ranking. Writing the content keeping those keywords in mind is not bad. However, it is more beneficial if we write for our potential customers by keeping their search intent in mind. The use of clear and easy language will help users to stay connected and make that sale.

All these thoughts and some landing page design tips can help to raise the conversion.

4) Transparency: Being transparent helps to determine the validity of your landing page. If your landing page displays the same discounts as your ad copy then consumers will build trust and the bounce rate will reduce. Your landing page should be transparent and credible for users to feel comfortable giving out their contact information.

5) Add a Clear & Appropriate Call To Action: Introduce a suitable call to action to induce action from the visitor. CTA button has a very specific goal that is completing a conversion. This is how you can improve this to get higher CTR:

  • Make use of such words in your CTA that can attract users to take the action.
  • Create a sense of urgency by using phrases like ” Sign up today & get 50% discount“, “Register now for this amazing live session” etc.

Account Performance By Quality Score Components

If you are looking for help understanding a keyword summary with all the QS components, then our Free Audit Report is the one to use. Instead of spending time reviewing each keyword and quality score individually, take the help of our report to get the account summary in a matter of time.

Firstly, look into the account performance by Quality Score components – Expected CTR, Landing Page Experience, and Ad Relevance. After that, you get on to the specific keywords that need your attention.

Here is a snapshot of how the report looks like:

keyword summary with all the QS components

You get to access keyword summary basis their landing page experience rating. You can easily scan through the report to find the weaklings and act upon them.

Here we are! All done. If you have any other thoughts and points to share, please do write in the comment section.

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