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Quality Score is a crucial metric in Google Ads, directly influencing your ad ranking and cost-per-click. Yet, despite its importance, numerous misconceptions surround it, leading to confusion and potentially hindering campaign performance. This article aims to dispel these common myths and provide clarity on how Quality Score truly works.

1. Myth Busted: Changing Keyword Match Type Doesn’t Hurt Your Quality Score!

Many people are concerned that switching between Broad Match, Phrase Match, or Exact Match for a keyword will affect their Quality Score. But this is a myth!

Here’s why:

  • Quality Score focuses on exact matches. Only searches that perfectly match your chosen keyword are used to calculate your Quality Score. Variations, even synonyms or related terms, don’t count.
  • Match types are like different paths to your ad. No matter which “path” users take to reach your ad (via Broad, Phrase, or Exact Match), your Quality Score remains the same.
  • Changing match types can be beneficial. It allows you to reach a wider audience while maintaining a good Quality Score.

Think of it this way:

Imagine your keyword is “red flowers.” With Broad Match, your ad might also show for searches like “purple flowers” or “where to buy flowers.” Even though these aren’t exact matches, they are still relevant to your business.

Here’s what to remember:

  • Quality Score only cares about exact keyword matches. It doesn’t consider match types.
  • Changing match types won’t hurt your Quality Score.
  • Using different match types strategically can help you reach more potential customers.

Instead of worrying about match types, focus on:

  • Creating high-quality ads and landing pages. This is what truly improves your Quality Score and gets you better results.
  • Understanding how different match types work. This will help you target your ads more effectively and reach your target audience.


  • Different match types offer valuable insights into how your keywords perform across different searches.
  • Broad Match can help you discover new keyword opportunities and expand your reach.
  • Exact Match can help you target your ads more precisely and improve click-through rates.
  • Phrase Match offers a balance between Broad and Exact Match.

By understanding how Quality Score and match types work together, you can improve your PPC campaigns and achieve your advertising goals.

2. Myth Busted: A higher ad position doesn’t translate to lower CPCs

While higher ad positions tend to garner more clicks, Google Ads employs Quality Score normalization, a clever system that mitigates this advantage and creates a more balanced environment for advertisers.

Here’s how it works:

  • Imagine a race with different lanes. Google Ads analyzes the performance of ads in various positions (like different lanes) and calculates their average click-through rate (CTR).
  • This average CTR is like the “pace” of the race. It’s used to adjust the individual CTRs of each ad based on their position.
  • This adjustment makes it fair to compare ads in different positions. Just like adjusting for lap times in different lanes, it ensures that the CTRs are comparable for calculating Quality Score.
  • This “normalization” process removes the unfair advantage that higher positions might have. Even though an ad at the top might get more clicks, its Quality Score won’t be artificially inflated just because of its position.

In other words:

  • A higher ad position might get you more clicks, but it doesn’t guarantee a lower cost-per-click (CPC).
  • Quality Score plays a major role in determining your CPC, and it’s not affected by ad position alone.
  • Focus on optimizing your ads and landing pages for better relevance and engagement, and your Quality Score will naturally improve, leading to lower CPCs.

So remember:

  • Higher position doesn’t always mean lower cost.
  • Focus on Quality Score for better results.

3. Myth Busted: Pausing a keyword or ad doesn’t hurt your Quality Score!

Many people think that pausing a keyword or ad will negatively impact their Quality Score. But this is just a myth!

Here’s why:

  • Quality Score is based on historical performance data. When you pause a keyword or ad, it stops collecting data. This means that the Quality Score is not affected, as it remains based on the previously gathered data.
  • Think of it like a report card. Your grades are based on past assignments, not future ones. Similarly, Quality Score is based on past performance, not whether something is currently active.
  • Pausing allows for strategic management. You can use ad scheduling to show your ads only during their peak performance times. This can improve your Quality Score by focusing on the best performing periods.
  • Seasonal keywords are a great example. Pausing a keyword like “Christmas Trees” in March doesn’t hurt its score. It simply reflects that the keyword is not relevant during that time. When you re-activate it around the holidays, the Quality Score will naturally adjust based on the new data.


  • Quality Score is also influenced by system-wide data, which can change over time. This means that even if you pause and then resume a keyword or ad, the Quality Score might be different due to external factors.
  • Pausing allows you to optimize your campaigns and improve your overall performance. Don’t be afraid to use it!

In short: Pausing a keyword or ad doesn’t harm your Quality Score. It’s a tool to help you optimize your campaigns and maximize your results.

4. Myth Busted: Low Volume Keywords Don’t Equal High Costs!

Google judges ad relevance based on user clicks, not search volume. So, a low-volume keyword can still be valuable if people click your ad for it.


  • Clean Up: Deleting super low-volume keywords can simplify your account, but don’t discard potentially valuable, specific terms based solely on volume.
  • Think Quality: Focus on creating high-quality ads and landing pages that resonate with your target audience. This can improve your CTR even for low-volume keywords.

In simpler terms:

  • Google cares about how people click your ad, not just how often they search for the keyword.
  • Low-volume keywords can be valuable if your ad resonates with the audience.
  • Don’t automatically dismiss them, but focus on quality to improve your chances.


  • Keywords with low search volume can still be highly relevant and profitable.
  • Focus on creating compelling ads and landing pages to boost your CTR.
  • Don’t be afraid to test low-volume keywords for potential hidden gems.

Don’t automatically dismiss low-volume keywords! Dive deeper and let your ad quality reign supreme.

5. Myth Busted: High Account CTR Doesn’t Guarantee High Quality Score!

Think of Quality Score as a way to assess your ads based on their performance on Google itself. While a good overall CTR in your account stats is great, it doesn’t automatically translate to a top score.

Here’s why:

  • Quality Score focuses on Your ad’s performance on other websites (Search Partners) doesn’t count for this score.
  • It’s a level playing field. All ads are judged on the same criteria – how well they perform on for the exact keyword you chose.

So, your account CTR might include:

  • Clicks for your exact keyword on (good for Quality Score!).
  • Clicks for your exact keyword on Search Partners (not used for Quality Score).
  • Clicks for variations and expansions of your keyword on Google (may or may not affect Quality Score).
  • Clicks for variations and expansions of your keyword on Search Partners (again, not used for Quality Score).

The message:

  • Focus on optimizing your ads and landing pages to perform well specifically on for your chosen keywords.
  • Don’t rely solely on overall CTR. Dig deeper into your stats to see how your ads are performing on Google itself.


  • High Quality Score leads to lower minimum bids and better ad ranking.
  • Focus on performance for your chosen keywords to achieve this.

By understanding how Quality Score works and its relation to your performance, you can optimize your campaigns for better results!

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