Posted by & filed under Karooya's Google Ads Scripts.

Over the years, we have been creating scripts for Google Ads account. With these scripts advertisers get easy access to insights of their account and can also automate some of the repetitive PPC tasks. We bring to you all our scripts under one roof.

So here is what we have created for you:

Karooya’s Scripts

Search Terms Trend Script Compare search term performance for date ranges chosen by you. Easily export the results to a spreadsheet in your Google Drive folder.
Quality Score Analysis  Google Ads script that will provide you break up of the Quality Score attributes for each keyword.
Experiments Performance Report This script generates a report that puts cumulative experiment stats together and shows how the experiment is performing when compared with the original campaign.
Ads Performance Report Analyzes ads performance data of your Google Ads account and helps you analyze your account for the winning and poor performing ads.
Detect Duplicate Keywords A script that helps identify duplicate keywords in the Google Ads account, including close variants.
Expanded Text Ads Performance (2 Headlines vs 3 Headlines) Compare performance and reach of 3 Headline ETA with 2 Headline ETAs. Identify ad groups that do not have a 3 Headline ETAs.
Expanded Text Ads vs Responsive Search Ads Compare performance and reach of Responsive Search Ads with Expanded Text Ads


If there is a script that you would want us to create, then let us know about it in the comment section below.

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One Response to “Free Google Ads Script By Karooya”

  1. Jineesh kk

    Is there any way we can automate ad copies of RAS from a Google sheet,
    I’m handling one e-commerce client, with more than 30 campaigns and 3 ad groups in each and 1 RSA per ad group. Whenever any sale is happening I have to update the ad copies. It’s really hard to update the ad copies from the platform or editor. So I`m thinking if I can update the ad copy from a Google sheet it will be easy.
    Like updating the ad copy on Google sheet and if the ads manager can automatically fetch the data from google sheet then it will be easy.


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