Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

Tracking template helps you identify valuable information of the clicks received on your ad. By specifying the URL parameters in the template, you can get information about the device, network, keyword, placement etc.

You can add the tracking template at the account/ campaign and ad group level. Depending on what campaign or ad group you wish to track, you can accordingly create tracking parameters for each. And if you wish to apply a common tracking to all your campaigns and ad groups, then you must set the tracking template at account level.

We have written a detailed post around adding tracking template at each level. Visit How To Set Up Google Ads Account Level Tracking Template for more details.

Tracking Template vs Final Suffix

Tracking template, as explained above, is the URl where you want the ad click to lead. Here you can specify parameters in the URL to get additional information of the click received.

It starts with {Ipurl} which means Landing Page URL. These parameters include a key and its relative value and they are separated by an equal sign (=) and any more parameters are separated with an ampersand sign (&). In the template, the first parameter comes after question mark (?), like mentioned below:


Here is a list of the ValueTrack parameters that you can use while creating the tracking template

The final URL suffix is where you can define these parameters, which are later added at the end of your final URL.

final url suffix google ads

You can add the parameters in the Final URL suffix or directly in the tracking template, as mentioned above.

We noted that if you leave the tracking template field blank, it will consider the ad’s final URL as the URL to attach the parameters to.

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