After setting your campaigns, you might find out where your customers are coming from majorly. To improve the performance from that source (which can be a device, location, time or day etc) you can take the help of Bid Adjustments and tweak the bids there.
More About Bid Adjustments
With bid adjustments you can opt to increase or decrease your bids to meet your campaign objective. They are defined by a percentage and is an increase or decrease on your keyword bid with the range between +900% to -90%.
So, for instance if it is an increase of 20% on a bid of Rs.5 then the revised amount will be Rs. 6 and if it is a decrease of 40% on the same bid then the revised bid will be Rs. 3.
Here are the bid adjustment options available with Bing Ads.
Location Bid Adjustments
With location bid adjustment you can increase the bids for regions that are profitable or decrease them for areas that though are your targeted location, but are not generating profitable results.
It is recommended that if you use the bid adjustment for a location then targeting people in your targeted locations will show your ads to only the location selected and not others (such as people searching for or viewing pages about your targeted locations)

Device Bid Adjustments
If your customer is viewing your ads more often on a certain device (desktop, mobile or tablet) then you might want to increase the bids there. This will ensure that anytime your targeting criteria is met, Bing Ads will adjust your bids to show on better positions in the preferred device.
For example, you are a bakery owner and get most of your orders from mobile device then increasing your bids there would improve the chances of displaying the ad to people searching on mobile.

Ad Schedule Bid Adjustment
If your business operates on certain hour(s) or day(s) then it is ideal to run your ads more often then. For day(s) or time(s) when your business isn’t operational you might want to reduce the bids to reduce your ads from getting triggered.
Alternately if your performance reports depict that your business dips during a certain time of the day, then here too you could opt to reduce the bids.
For instance, you notice that your ads impression dip in the afternoon time, then you can decrease the bids during that time of the day and if there is a spike in results during evening time then you can increase the bids to increase the chances of showing your ads for search results.

Demographic Bid Adjustment
With this bid adjustment option you can improve the chances of showing your ads for a certain age bracket or gender.For instance if you find out that your product is driving interest from the younger lot within the age group 25-34, then improving bids will increase the chances of positive results.

Remarketing Bid Adjustment
If you have selected a remarketing audience for your campaign then with this option you can increase or decrease the bids of your remarketing lists.

If you haven’t yet used the bid adjustments option yet, then give it a try to reap in the benefits. Lets us know your success stories with this feature.
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