Amazon is a platform where we are flooded with product choices and their variations. Advertisers have to find a way for their products to stand out to win the sale. So what is the way? Let’s find out.
Posts Categorized: Amazon Ads
How To Audit Your Amazon PPC Account With Karooya’s Tools
Are you bidding for the right keywords? Is you ad spend effective? Are you using the right match types? These are some of the questions that an audit of your Amazon Ads account can answer.
7 Amazon Ads Default Settings That Advertisers Must Check
While creating your Amazon Ads campaign, you will come across some default settings, that you must check before setting up your campaign.
Top Announcements From Microsoft & Amazon Advertising In 2020
Throughout the year 2020, Microsoft and Amazon advertising have worked hard to improve their platforms with new features and updates to give an enhanced experience to his customers. We have collected some of the important updates from these platforms and put them in writing in this blog post.
Achieving your marketing goals with Amazon Ads
Defining goals, makes planning your campaign easier. Other supporting elements help achieve your goals. One of such active elements is the bidding strategy you adopt. We will discuss some of that today!