How To Create Bulk Ad Schedule in Bing Ads?

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If advertisers want to replicate Ad Schedule across all campaigns through Bing’s web interface, they have to do it manually which is time taking task. On the other hand, doing it manually also increases the risk of making errors. To save time and make the process error-free, advertisers can make bulk edits easily through Bing Ads Editor.

Weekly PPC News – Find your negative keywords on the Keywords tab

Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

Google announced new enhancements in Ad Customizers and optimized the way negative keywords can now be viewed. Amazon launched new features under the Amazon Sponsor Product, the difference advertising mediums your business should explore, recap of the SMX East session on topping with your seasonal SEM campaigns and more.

Converted Clicks vs. Conversions – What is the Difference?

Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

Last year, Google launched Flexible Conversion Counting and replaced the ‘then’conversions (one-per-click) and conversions (many-per-click) columns with Converted Clicks and Conversions columns. By the face of it, both appear to be the same, however there is a big difference in the data each of these metric captures.