In 2014, Google removed the option to opt-in/ out of close variants for exact and phrase match keywords. A recent announcement allowed Exact match keywords to trigger ads for relevant reordering and rewording of your keyword. These changes made exact and phrase match types less restrictive than earlier. However, it also in a way opened the window… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Keywords
Phrase Match vs Broad Match Modifier (BMM) – Google Ads
[Update as on 14th July 2021] – Starting in late July, advertisers will no longer be able to create new broad match modifier keywords. Read about the update here.
Old vs New AdWords Exact Match Keywords – What Will Change?
2 years after the opt-in option for close variants in Exact Match and Phrase Match keywords was updated, a recent announcement intends to open Exact Match keywords to more search queries. This new change includes rewording and reordering of your exact match keywords, making exact match less restrictive.
How Many Keywords Should Be in Your AdWords Ad Group?
The ideal number of keywords that one can use in an account is a subject of debate. Well, then is there any ideal number as such? For better control over your keywords, better CTRs and improved quality score, resulting in lowering down you CPC, PPC experts across have shared a minimum figure they are comfortable… Read more »
What to do when you run out of your 20 shared negative keyword lists?
So, what would you do? If you say that 20 negative keyword lists with each having a limit of 5,000 keywords giving us a total 1,00,000 shared negative keywords, is sufficient, then what about this: