Posted by & filed under Microsoft Ads.

Witnessing a slump in your PPC campaigns and unable to ascertain what is leading to that? You can take help from Bing’s customized reports that helps you get insight into where your impressions are losing out on and what steps you can take actions to control further loss. This information is shared by the ‘Share of Voice Report’.

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Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

While Google made the announcement of removing right side rail ads, David Szetela spoke with Matthew Umbro, Senior Account Manager at Hanapin Marketing and the Founder of PPCChat, on how this change will impact the PPC advertising world and how advertisers will need to rebuild their bidding strategy to stay at the top-of-the-game.

You can listen to the podcast here

Here are few excerpts from  the podcast:

  • Google Shopping Ads and other knowledge panel graphs will still end up showing on the right side with the removal of only the text ads.
  • Google has added a fourth ad above the organic listing and about 2 ads below the organic results on the SERP.
  • Historically, top ads have had a better click-through-rate in comparison to that of the right side ads. However the conversion rate somehow varies.
  • The CPC is likely to increase, however, eCommerce will not be affected much with the change.
  • A study conducted revealed that the average CPC on was lower for the top ads than other ads, but with search partners it was higher.
  • To optimize their top ads, advertisers can utilize the ad extensions to make your ad more enticing and improve its click-through-rate as  result. So one must put callouts, structured snippets and sitelinks while making sure that they are relevant with the search query.
  • To improve your top ad CTR advertisers need to ensure that the search query and keywords match closely and the keyword is present in the ad messaging too.
  • Advertisers might start looking towards Facebook Advertising which has turned out to be a legitimate source for conversions. Post this change, advertisers who haven’t yet invested in Facebook might want to be on it.

You can listen to the complete episode here


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Posted by & filed under Microsoft Ads.

This webcast hosted by MJ De Pallma has Bing’s Advertisers Science Team members Lars Hirch (Director of Advertiser Science at Bing Ads) and Frances Donegan-Ryan (SEM Pro Digital Marketing Manager) discussing about the value of Brand Bidding. This informative webinar shares useful insights on how to go about experimenting and building your brand bidding strategy to impact your SEM and SEO results.

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